This is about Thai business registration. If you are starting a business in Thailand then the business needs to be registered. Most foreigners tend to register small to medium size business and there are a few options in this regard. Below is a list of business types in Thailand that you can opt for. Always speak to a lawyer in Thailand for more information about your business, work permits in Thailand as well as licenses which would be needed.
Thai Business Registration
Consider what type of business you want to register in Thailand or what its purpose would be. These can range from a restaurant to a representative office. The following are example of what is possible in Thailand. Consult a lawyer in Bangkok and more generally in Thailand about the options.
Thai Limited Company with Limited Liability
This is the easiest company to register and can be registered in a day. The company type also carried the least amount of liability. You also need the least amount of paid up capital for it and only requires 3 shareholders. If you are looking at starting a business in Thailand then this option is not only the best but also the easiest to do.
Thai Limited Partnership with unlimited liability
This is not as common as limited liability and these are mainly for small family owned businesses. This requires 2 shareholders and one needs to be the managing director of the company. Speak to a lawyer in Thailand about this type of business as you might not like the unlimited liability for a business. Normally this tends to be a husband and wife business.
NGO & Foundations
These are very complicated to register and start in Thailand and can take more than a year to complete. There has to be three founders to start a foundation. Always take legal advice for matters this complicated as the type of foundation and its aim in Thailand will be investigated.
Representative Office
These are not very common in Thailand for small businesses and takes about 3 months to complete the registration process.
Business Licenses:
There is a full article on business licences in Thailand. Note that these would not normally be applicable to a representative office of a foundation in Thailand. The licenses tend to be for Limited companies or Limited Partnerships who are going to be buying and selling in Thailand and not just act as a sourcing agent for goods and services. The same would go for VAT registration which a representative office normally would not need as it is not going to be doing active business or services in Thailand.
Search this website for more information on starting a business in Thailand and view the articles on taxes in Thailand as well as business types as well as how to obtain a work permit in Thailand. Speak to a lawyer in Thailand for more information and assistance about doing business in Thailand.
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